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Raum | Native Instruments : Why You Should Get This Reverb Now
Raum (Native Instruments) is one of the most special reverbs of the market. Let'...
Top 5 Reverb Plugins For Vocals In 2024
Choosing the right reverb for your vocals is sometimes not an easy task. Top 5 r...
Should I buy analog gear to be more professional ?
At a certain level, you might be wondering if you need some more analog gear to ...
How do preamps work and how to use them efficiently ?
You might sometimes be wondering "What is a preamp ?", which is a really importa...
The 4 main types of compressors and how to use them
Compressors are often seen as really complicated tools to use. VCA, FET, Vari-Mu...
My top 3 free plugins : It’s worth it!
As an engineer, producer or musician, you might be looking for some new free plu...
What is the best microphone choice for better vocal recordings
If you own a studio or a home studio, you might want to take the step to make yo...
What do you need to build your studio ?
As a sound engineer, a beat maker or anything in the audio production field, you...
How to record an acoustic guitar
Whether you’re a sound engineer, a producer or a musician, recording a gui...
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